Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog 21: Independent Component 2

a. I, Alyssa Soberano, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b. My third interview with Antoinette Contreras & Monique Jaime and forth interview with Kellie Hicks were most beneficial to my independent component. They backed up a lot of my answers with supported evidence from their experience as teachers and as students. Also, to help create my sequences, I referred to this book to put it together.

c. Independent Component 2
d. For the past few weeks, I have created a sequence of yoga poses for every week. For the rest of the week, I performed the sequence almost every day for an hour and a half. Although some sequences do not have many yoga poses for the time allotted, I repeated the sequence until my time was up in order to meet the 30 hour requirement. I usually performed some poses at the studio to take pictures because the lighting is terrible at my house, but unfortunately, I was not allowed to take pictures anymore. Also, I thought it might have been too repetitive if I had taken pictures of myself since that is what I usually update my blog with.

As I stated earlier, I wasn't allowed to take pictures in the studio anymore, so I decided I could show what drove my Independent Component -- the Sequences. It may seem a little short and vague, but it was hard trying to figure out which poses were stepping stones to eventually mastering one of the harder poses. Please keep in mind my Independent Component Approval blog where I stated that the sequence itself may be short, but I will time myself until 1 hour and 30 minutes is up.

This Independent Component was quite similar to the first one, but the only difference is that I created the sequences of poses rather than looking up videos and practicing it at home. I believe this helped support most of my answers because since I created the sequence, I was more familiar with the poses. Although it seems like I took the easy way out, I chose familiar poses so I can align myself correctly. If I found a pose online that I had never tried before, chances are very high that I might end up hurting the next day. A lot of my sequences included strengthening poses which is part of my essential question. It does touch on the subject of flexibility as well. By that, I mean all of the lengthening and twisting poses would serve the flexibility aspect. To also clarify, I understand Hatha Yoga as the physical aspect of yoga, not the style of yoga. If I based this Independent Component on Hatha Yoga, the poses would be a lot more gentle since Hatha is usually a beginner's class. But since I want to touch on all styles of yoga, I figured Hatha would do a great job of telling a person that my senior project is on the physical aspect, not the spiritual aspect.